Driving Stevie Fracasso — by Barry Divola
Disclaimer — Barry Divola and I go back a long way. Vintage time.
Then — I was a young music publicist — him already an institution in the Australian music writing scene. Fast forward a couple of decades and Barry has released his debut novel, and now I’m the part-time book blogger keen for a sneak peek.
‘Driving Stevie Fracasso’ is a book suited to two types of people. Those of us in their 40s — 50s who were once a Triple J fan, definitely a Red Eye regular, and one who actually read all those articles in The Wire and Uncut. Oh — and those of us who hung out with these people.
Not a surprise then that Barry has given us a novel that is a perfect mix of Pitchfork-esque music review, rock star fantasy (think ‘Almost Famous’) blended with all the best bits of a classic road trip narrative. (We’ve all read ‘On The Road’…)
The story is pretty simple. Two brothers — a lifetime separated — the reunion and the road trip of self-discovery along US highways. There are the amusing parts, the warm and fuzzy cliches — and the parts that kick you in the guts — hard.
Rounded out with some harrowing 9/11 narrative; it’s a book for our generation — with an apparent Spotify playlist for those pesky millennials as well.
Released March 3rd.